Managed Services

We manage your cloud environment and you focus on your core business.

Let's be honest: you do not really want to be involved with managing your IT infrastructure or your cloud environment. You just want it to work optimally, so that you can spend your time on your core business without any worries.

With our managed service packs, we do just that: we provide for the monitoring, administration, maintenance and security of your cloud services. Both on Azure and in our private cloud. We focus on your cloud services so that you can focus on your business.

Basic versus Premium Service

Each solution we provide is delivered with a basic service package that is included in the Microsoft Cloud Service Provider (CSP) programme.

This is limited to incident and problem management on demand. For this reason, we advise all our customers to choose our Premium Service Pack for IaaS and PaaS services. Keep on reading to find out what that exactly covers.

Besides our Premium Service Pack, we also have some add-ons that you can add if your organisation has specific needs or requirements.

Team | Arxus

Premium Services

Incident Management

You get 24/7 local support for all incidents and problems. You get help from local cloud experts who know your business and your cloud environment. Our stringent KPI requirements give you the guarantee that we are able to pick up and handle incidents quickly.

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Change Management

We adapt your cloud environment to any changes in your business or company and minimise the impact of the technical adjustment. You submit a change request or we suggest one if we consider it necessary.

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We register all of your managed resources as configuration items (CIs) in a configuration management database (CMDB). You gain access to the CMDB through our customer portal. So you have a detailed overview of the status and performance of the different parts of your cloud environments at any time.

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Service Management

We try to evaluate and improve our services constantly through monitoring, reporting and analysis. We report on the performance of your cloud environment and we give you access to our online knowledge base. If necessary or desired, we provide a service level manager.

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IaaS & PaaS

Our standard premium services are supplemented by two categories: IaaS services for virtual machines and PaaS services provided by the Azure platform.

Managed services for IaaS are paid per virtual machine, while the costs of PaaS services are calculated based on the Azure consumption for that service. So you get a pay-per-use model that scales up in proportion to how intensively your organisation uses Azure.

IaaS en PaaS | Arxus

Managed Services for VM's (IaaS)


We use in-guest agent-based monitoring combined with platform-level monitoring via the Azure Management APIs. Thus we gather performance and status information for each resource. We get alerts and can intervene if certain resources differ from preset thresholds.

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A backup is only useful if it works. That is why we continuously check that the backup process has completed successfully. If not, we will take action to make the backup in question successful. Restores from a previous backup can be simply requested through our cloud management portal.

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We install security patches provided by suppliers during an agreed monthly maintenance time. If a critical security patch is issued, we immediately assess the risks to your environment. If necessary, we install the patch in question immediately.

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We offer antivirus and antimalware services for virtual machines running on Microsoft Windows and Linux. These are centrally managed and we provide status reporting through our cloud management portal.

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Managed Services for Azure (PaaS)


We maken gebruik van application level monitoring gecombineerd met platform level monitoring via de Azure management API's. Zo verzamelen we prestatie- en statusgegevens voor elke resource. We krijgen waarschuwingen en kunnen ingrijpen als bepaalde resources zich afwijkend gedragen.

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Voor alle Azure PaaS services die beschikken over een built-in platform backup, controleren we continu of het back-up proces succesvol afgerond is. Als dat niet zo is zullen we actie ondernemen om de bewuste back-up te doen slagen. Restores van een eerdere back-up kunnen eenvoudig worden aangevraagd via ons cloud management portal.

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Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

We hebben ook Azure Kubernetes Service in ons aanbod. Dit omvat ondermeer resource monitoring, een update service en een back-up service. Om dit als managed service te kunnen aanbieden, moeten wel andere ondersteunende Azure resources uitgerold worden, zoals een log analytics workspace, een storage account en cluster resources.

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Application Level Managed Services

We can collect application-specific performance and status data and set alerts so that we can intervene if certain applications show anomalous behaviour. With each alert we can perform recovery actions based on scenarios discussed in advance with the customer or developer. Third party Application Performance Management (APM) tools can also be linked to the Arxus ITSM systems.

Managed Services | Arxus


Innovation Management

There is an enormous amount of information about trends, new and improved services on the Azure platform, and the cloud market in general. We filter the relevant news and advise you of any changes or modifications specific to your cloud environment.

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Advanced Governance

We assist you in drawing up best practices and corporate standards for your cloud environment. In addition, we monitor the governance, so that the established rules are also enforced in the future throughout the company.

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Advanced Security

We monitor the security of your Configuration Items (CIs) and ensure that industry standards and best practices are applied in the field of security. For this, we base ourselves on, among other things, benchmarks from the Centre for Internet Security (CIS), standard rules from the Microsoft Security Centre, and rules that we (or you) have specifically defined.

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Cloud Cost Management

You get access to the Arxus invoicing API, so that you can integrate your Azure invoice data into your own programs. Additionally, you can label specific resource costs using tags. Then you can easily create custom reports and invoicing based on a specific tag or set of tags.

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Azure & Private Cloud

We have a clear Azure-First approach, so we design all our managed services from scratch for the Azure cloud.

But we also make an effort to introduce them into our own private cloud where possible. This enables us to take our services to a higher level and also manage hybrid environments perfectly.

Microsoft Azure | Arxus

What distinguishes Arxus from the rest?

  • Maximum service: Our motto is simple: ‘there is no traffic jam along the extra mile’. We are a managed cloud service provider, so we do all we can to relieve you completely of everything to do with your cloud environment.
  • Flexible contracts: Your situation may change overnight. We serve your interests. Our flexible contracts change along with the needs of your company. 
  • Transparency: Take advantage of our cloud management portal and gain access to a detailed understanding of the services you purchase, your uptime and your costs.
  • Proactive monitoring: Your applications, infrastructure and all intermediate layers are closely monitored and guarded 24/7. We intervene proactively if something threatens to go wrong.
  • 24/7 local support: You get 24/7 support in your own language from our local Arxus cloud experts.

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