Cloud Custodian, the tailor-made cloud solution

Arxus' Cloud Custodian is the cloud management solution that prepares you for a seamless transition to Microsoft Azure. Based on the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF), our cloud engineers guide you through the entire process - from strategy to governance. Discover how our solutions let you navigate your cloud environment smoothly and controlled.

We’re also Microsoft Certified: Azure Expert MSP. This means that Microsoft has awarded us an official expert role in the design, implementation and management of Azure solutions.

Expert guidance to Azure success

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Custom cloud roadmap

Cloud bakcuo

Proactive support and optimizations

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Our Cloud Custodian mission

Your success in the cloud is our main mission. For us, a cloud environment is not just a technological gadget, but a powerful force to collaborate and grow optimally. We leverage this power so that you and your team can work efficiently.


We want to give you control over your cloud environment. This way, you decide how your organization grows and evolves.

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We want you to be able to accelerate so that you can respond flexibly to changing needs and opportunities in the market.

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We strive for maximum flexibility so you can always adjust your cloud environment to your organization's needs.

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This is how we help you

Our Cloud Custodian services stand out for their proactive and personal approach, built on the best practices of Microsoft's Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF). Compared to classic managed services, we make your migration to Microsoft Azure faster and smoother. You work closely with our cloud engineers for this

Come to talk to us and discover the possibilities.

Our Cloud Custodian Road to Azure consists of 3 parts:

  1. Plan
  2. Ready
  3. Operate

1. Plan

Een efficiënte overstap naar de cloud begint met een doordachte strategie. Onze Cloud Custodian Strategy planner helpt je op weg. We bepalen wat er belangrijk is en wat de verwachtingen zijn zodat het plan om over te stappen afgestemd is op het resultaat dat je bedrijf of organisatie nodig heeft.

A smooth transition to the cloud starts with a thoughtful strategy. Our Cloud Custodian Strategy planner helps you on your way. We determine what is important and what the expectations are so the plan to switch aligns with the outcome your business or organization needs.

Our goal is simple: to prepare your business or organization to take full advantage of the cloud. We do this based on the Azure landing zone design areas, for this phase specifically 'Strategy' and 'Plan':

  • Insight into your business goals: Your business goals are important to understand where we want to go. Success in the cloud is not only about technology, but also about harmony between your cloud approach and business objectives. We map this out together before we shape the strategy.
  • Insight into your journey to the cloud: Our cloud engineers perform a thorough evaluation to determine where you best enter your cloud adoption journey. This way we look together at the priorities of your migration to Microsoft Azure.




A plan tailored to your business or organization

You get a detailed and dynamic cloud roadmap with concrete steps and goals. It forms a structured approach to smoothly and efficiently integrate the cloud technologies. The roadmap ensures you of a successful and sustainable transition to the cloud - and we will continue to manage it for you!

2. Ready

In the Ready phase, we bring the plan from the previous step to life. Our Cloud Custodian Accelerator focuses on speed, but also on accuracy. The transition to the cloud becomes a smooth and structured process, with special attention to the 'Ready' and 'Adopt' phases of the Azure Landing Design.

  • Ready: prepared for change: You can rely on a strong Azure foundation and preparation, built on relevant design domains of the Cloud Adoption Framework, such as:

    • Platform automation and DevOps
    • Resource organisation
    • Network topology and connectivity
    • Cloud identity and access management
    • Azure cost management
  • Adopt: migration and innovation: After the 'Ready' phase, we move on to 'Adopt', where we actively migrate and implement the desired changes. Our approach consists of guided design sessions to facilitate the transition, but we also manage the cloud roadmap and align it with the business needs in real time.




Ready for the cloud with a clear landing zone

After setting up a structured landing zone according to the Framework, we support you with our services, among others in the areas of automation, infrastructure and security measures.

3. Operate

The last phase, 'Operate', relies on 3 essential services. With these core services, we optimize and strengthen your cloud environment for the best end result.


Governance & innovation
You aim for a strong cloud environment in the long term with our regular evaluations and concrete improvement plans.


Resource management
Your platform runs smoothly and you achieve maximum availability through our smart management and expertise, which allows you to get the most out of the cloud.


We integrate new work methods into your system and guide you through them. Customized designs ensure optimal performance.



Integrate, optimize and manage for success in the cloud

You choose a robust cloud environment for the long term with us by your side. We conduct regular evaluations and propose improvement plans, tailored to your changing needs and desires. This way, you are always in control of your cloud environment, but you always have an expert in the passenger seat.

Let us inform you

Our Cloud Custodian mission is all about your success in the cloud. Thorough technical advice, preparation for migrations and (roadmap) management: we are ready to help you. Inquire about the rates and let our experts assist you further.

We would love to come by and discuss your concrete business case and see how the cloud makes your organization more competitive.